Web3 For Business

Web3 For Business.

How can your business take advantage of the next best thing on the Internet.

Web3 and what it is.

We all know about the World Wide Web and its websites. This is known as Web2. Web3 is the new web but its an ecosystem that hosts websites on the blockchain and operates ‘web apps’ in the background through contract stored and manintained by the Ethereum blockchain amongst others.

Websites on Web3.

Websites on Web2 are hosted or stored on a virtual server or servers positioned around the world. You currently have to pay for that hosting service. To access your website stored on your hosting company server you need a URL that will point to their servers

Both your Domain URL and Hosting you have to pay normally annually for the domain name and monthly for your website hosting. If you stop paying for either your website simply disappears and is never seen again. Not so with Web3!

Lets take a look at some of the current Web3 websites and how its all going.

The artwork for the Doge Art Club NFT collection was created from scratch by Polish artist Maciek Ignaciuk alias Othis, a graphic designer with experience in street art and murals.

A distinctive feature of Doge Art Clu is its ingenious Doge evolution process. Each Doge Art Club NFT has a referral code on it, and you get 30% of the value of any mint that uses your code!


Cosmos is a wonderful illustration of Web3 website design trends like vivid gradients, 3D features, and sci-fi themes that we’ve been seeing across the sector.