Owned Media

Creating Your
Owned Media.

What is Owned Media?

It is simply all the assets that are created and controlled by your company. Assets include:

  • Websites, Microsites, Landing Pages
  • White Papers
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • E-Mail Templates
  • Email Campaigns
  • Videos
  • Social Media Business Pages

These assets should provide consistent messaging throughout, so as not to confuse your audience as they read and digest your brand, products and services.

Owned Media Services.

We support the following content generation services all branded in accordance to your visual and voice messaging brand policies to compliment your owned media arsenal. We provide these services as part of our client campaign strategies or standalone offerings in support of your own marketing efforts.


Websites, Micro sites and Landing Pages

White Paper

White Paper Creation and Polishing.


Video and Animation Creation.

Social Media Pages

Creation of Social Media Business Pages.

Social Media Apps

Social Media App Development


PowerPoint presentation creation and polishing.

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps both Android and iOS.


E-Shot management and email distribution

Blog Content

Ensure your blog content attracts users .


Stick to your Brand Guidelines


Digital Copywriting for web, mobile and email.

EMail Design

Not an easy task to implement correctly.